Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm having a change of plan ...

... for tomorrow - and it's just as well. I woke up this morning, once more before the alarms went off, but there was no way that I was going to get up. I could hear the rain thrashing down on my roof and it wasn't a day for working outside. That's another day lost of course but it can't be helped. I went back to bed for an hour.

When I finally crawled out of the stinking pit I began to tidy up in here looking for the data head - but even though I even went as far as to move the bed settee, no luck. I wonder where that has gone. Just typical.

After lunch I went to the bank to pay some cash in and then to the funeral parlour to enquire after Damien. His funeral is at 15:00 on Friday and hence the change of plan - I'll have to miss the Friday in Brussels and go once the funeral is ended. I can't not go to see Damien off. I'll just hope that I'll have time to go to the bank before I pick up Marianne. I can book my flight tickets another time.

Back here I carried on doing a little tidying but at about 17:00 the rain stopped. That was the cue to go outside and the framework on the barn is now finished and I have one of the solar panels in place. It's not quite fastened up but it's certainly there. And that took me until 20:30 and I bet you can't remember when was the last time I'd worked so late. I know I can't.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to get one of the panels off the roof of the Luton Transit and put it on the end of the barn. That will be two banks of two (one on the barn wall, one on the Transit roof) and while I'm away I can see how well the performances relate. I'm hoping to have at least half as much again off the ones on the end of the barn.

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