Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We cracked on with this roof ...

... today.

First thing that we did was to fit all of the laths, and it was far easier doing that this morning that it was trying to do it last night when all of the cement was still wet.

Once the laths were on we had to fit the voltige in between them. This is very thin wood and it is designed to stop snow and the like penetrating underneath the slates. Snow of course is a real issue round here in winter. Personally, I wouldn't have gone for the voltige. Under my slates, as keen readers of my outpourings will know, I have sheets of waterproof plywood and you simply nail the laths on top. It's much easier but then again this isn't my roof. And of course we did my roof from scratch - here  we are trying to match it to whatever is there already - but that's not an easy job.

Once the laths were on we refitted the tiles. And as we have extended the roof we didn't have enough of course and this led to Yours Truly grubbing around in the undergrowth unearthing another 20 or so.

Tomorrow we need to fit the half-tiles to the edge and trim where necessary with the angle grinder, then a demi-chevron to support the edging tiles, then fix the edging tiles, then cement them in place, then fix the ridge tiles and finally fix the crown. Once all of that is done the rest of the chimney needs repointing and that will be that. It will then be time for phase two.

 After Terry had gone home I carried on with the flooring in my lean-to. There was a strip of about 140mm that needed doing and luckily I had some lengths of 70mm left over from a previous project and so I used them.

You can see fairly well the hole in the floor. There will be a hatch there that will open upwards, with a set of stairs going downstairs. That's much more civilised than having to shin up the fence and climb in via the window. It'll look pretty good in here once I can sort out a tarpaulin to go over it where there is no roof as yet.

But if we finish the roof on Lieneke's house pretty quickly and Simon comes to give us a hand with phase II then it won't be much longer until I can crack on in here on a permanent basis.


  1. Neat job on the tiling! Is your lean to going to be for storage? Your opening looks very small if so. Or is that just the photo angle?

  2. It looks interesting. It'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.

  3. Looks good! The tile work looks nice, if I must say so myself. It's good you went to the extra mile to secure the voltige after the laths were already placed, even if you don't think it's necessary. Then again, the existing structure calls for one, as you've already said.

    AJC Roofing
