Thursday, February 9, 2012

After all that I said yesterday ...

... about my heat pad melting the water in the deep-frozen water butt, the sum total of water received today was precisely zero. Although we had a really warm night for a change (all of -11.4°C in fact) we had some snow. It was overcast all day with snow flurries and the sun hardly broke through at all, hence the maximun temperature today was a crazy -7.9°C and not even a heat pad can cope with that and do anything worthwhile.

I also had a phone call first thing. François, who I haven't seen for ages. He's having issues with the blog of one of his Associations and now that there's no technical assistance with the reseau since Liesbeth moved away, it looks like I have the short straw. That meant the first part of the morning tidying up. Can't have visitors with the place looking like a tip.I cut up some wood too, to make an  impressive woodpile up here.

I had a couple of hours in the bedroom doing the ceiling, and I managed to scrounge enough water to mix some quick-drying filler to do the joints between the plasterboard and the ceiling. and quick-drying it needs to be too - to set and to dry before it freezes. And after that, I attacked the ceiling.

François came round after lunch, and won the prize for being the first private visitor of the year (yes, 6 weeks in as well, it shows just how popular I am). We chatted for quite a while and I sorted out his problems. But once he had gone, I didn't resume work. The temperature is dropping rapidy and so I stayed up here in the warm.

As for tea, I had tinned ratatouille already but what with my late lunch (17:00) I wasn't hungry. I had a coffee, and a kettle with a small amount of water boiled up in no time on the stove.

Anyway, it's bright moonlight outside and not a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another stinker tonight.

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