Monday, June 27, 2011

Just so as to show ...

... everyone what today was like here, I've posted a pic of the temperatures that we had today.
The maximum temperature outside was 33 °C and yet at 17:36 it was still over 31°C. In the heat exchanger the temperature reached an impressive 63.7°C and the water in the solar water heater (a black plastic storage container with a window over the top) was 42°C.

That was the cue for a beautifully warm solar shower and I didn't miss out. It really was nice.

And so this morning Marianne forgot to ring me about this meeting but I was wide awake having had a severe attack of cramp in bed and so I made it in time. And with about 10 officials, one representative of the press and one photographer, they had a grand total of 0 visitors for the two hours that this meeting was on. Ahhh well ....

Marianne invited me to lunch which was nice of her and we had quite a chat afterwards, and back here seeing as it was such a nice day and with wind too, I did a huge pile of washing - something that I haven't done for a while.

And that was really it. It's Sunday, my day of rest, and so I'm not going to be working too hard today.

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