Friday, July 22, 2011

Nothing much happened on Wednesday.

Apart from the usual computing in the morning, I spent the afternoon finishing off the unloading of Caliburn. And now Caliburn is ready to do the return trip on Saturday evening.

And it took all afternoon too. I had to move the trailer and then move a few things around in the barn, but everything is in there now and all tidy too, including the tiles that we never used on the bathroom back at Expo. What didn't help was the torrential rain that we had. Marianne - my friend from Brussels - had seen the weather forecast and decided not to come down. And a wise decision that was.

I finished off the afternoon by tidying the barn a little where I had been working the other day - and I still can't find my missing data head. Ahh well.

This morning the new battery came for the laptop and so that went in. And it makes a big change too - seeing battery time left of 4 hours and 15 minutes instead of a mere 87 minutes. That's worthwhile.

And this afternoon I've repaired the door here, repaired the electronic rain gauge, hung the solar lanterns on hooks - one by the front door and the other by the water butts. Then, we had a mega-gardening session. All of the leeks are planted now, as well as whatever I recognised (and there was a lot that I didn't recognise) in the seed trays. I even managed a little weeding too.

As for the two solar arrays in the barn, one of the ones (the new one on the barn wall) has now fully-charged its batteries. It'll be interesting to see how it maintains its charge now..

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