Friday, August 12, 2011

It smells lovely in my room just now.

Seriously - and for several reasons. Not the least being that I cut down all of the herbs that were running riot - 5 different types of herb - and they are all hanging up in here starting to dry off.

And not only that, we have a clean me too seeing as we had a scorching day today and the water in the solar shower heated up quite nicely. And as well as a clean me we have clean clothes and clean bedding too because I did a huge load of washing. Well, seeing as the water in the home-made immersion heater reached 48°C it was rather appropiate.

So apart from that I've been working on the website this morning. I'm just about to go into the New Glasgow Industrial Museum at Stellartown. That's where you will find the oldest steam locomotive in North America, built by Timothy Hackworth in 1839. Hackworth's main claim to fame was that he designed the Sans Pareil, one of the rivals to Stephenson's Rocket at the Rainhill Trials.

This afternoon in between the washing I carried on with some tidying up and now that I have space to put things since I've put the shelving up in that room over the bread oven. Slowly but surely I'm making a little progress. In another 20 years I might get somewhere. But what I did find was the missing data head for the new anenometer that I fixed on the barn ages ago. However did that find its way ontp the floor underneath the Whitworth toolbox? I haven't moved that for ages.

Talking of the Rainhill Trials by the way, I can't remember how many locomotives took part but I do know that they were all found guilty.

OK - I'll get my coat.

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