Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 Degrees Centigrade ...

... it was this evening at 19:15. So you can see what the weather has been like all day. After having several days of mediocre weather, cool, wet and windy, you can tell that we were going on a lovely walk this afternoon.

After having a prowl around the village of Chateau-sur-Cher we went down the steep hill to the river and walked along the bank to the mill. It's unusual for around here, and for several reasons -
Firstly ... it works by a system of weirs and locks, rather than a millrace.
Secondly ... it's a hybrid mill, in that the water powers a system of pulleys and that other machinery - not just a corn-grinding wheel - was operated here. There was even talk of a sawmill in one of the sheds.
Thirdly ... it's an undershot wheel ie where the water passes underneath, not an overshot wheel where the water passes over the top.   
It was a shame that there were only a few of us.

Marianne and I went back to Pionsat for a drink, and that was when I noticed the temperature. so I nipped back home quickly where the water in the solar shower was still 36°C, and had a nice warm shower.

This evening, while watching one of the most boring football matches that I have ever seen, I sorted out a pile of paperwork. That's not like me. I must be feeling the heat.

This morning though, I was up and about long before the alarm went off. Before 08:00 in fact, and that's not very often. I worked for a few hours on my web pages and then went outside for some more tidying up and throwing of stuff down at the dechetterie. That's all gone now and I can move about comfortably in the barn where the Ebro is. And it's been a few years since I've been able to do that.

Tomorrow I need to measure up for the stuff that I need for the next stage of renovations, and to do some washing if the weather stays fine. I'm also planning some more shelves in the barn.

Watch this space.

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