Friday, November 9, 2012

I didn't quite manage ...

... to do as much as I would have liked on the tidying up in the bedroom where I'm working. I had a phone call from Cécile inviting me round for a chat. She's renovating a house all on her own and reading between the lines, she had run out of ideas and inspiration, something that I know all about having been here myself and needing a push along the path (thanks, Terry).

Anyway, we had quite a long chat about things in her house and so she's going out shopping tomorrow for some bits and pieces to help her along the way It really does help to have someone to chat to every now and again.

This morning though, I had a good stint on the website and I've now finished my visit to Québec and I'm back in my motel in the Street of 100 Motels. I can now start indexing the Québec photos and splitting the pages up into bite-sized morsels so as not to overwhelm the MTV generation with its truncated attention span. That might take some time too.

After that, I cut a pile of firewood, emptied the composting toilet (there aren't half some lovely jobs around here) and then attacked the tidying up for an hour or so. The pile of stuff on the shelves is diminishing rapidly - I can't imagine what half of the stuff is doing in here anyway. It should be in the barn.

Tonight I lit the fire, even though there wasn't really a need. It's just that I fancied jacket potatoes and baked beans for tea and for that I need the oven. It was well-worth the effort too, really enjoyable.

And so I've decided to have an early night tonight. That will do me good too. But before I go, a huge "well done" to Rhys who has at last, after all kinds of vicissitudes, some of which have been mentioned in these pages and others which haven't, been finally awarded his citizenship of the USA. Yes, I'm really happy for you and I'm sure that the rest of the readership is too. You deserve it.


  1. And I am engaging in unamerican activities like living within my budget, walking to the bank, walking to the Chamber of Commerce, cooking my own meals and happily not possessing a TV.
